Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

The Anti-Christ And Mr. Obama

> Since the election I’ve been asked a number of times to comment on the
> likelihood that Mr. Obama could be the anti-Christ. Let me begin by saying
> that having been elected President he’s Mr. Obama now, not just Obama. As
> for him being the anti-Christ I’ve discouraged that thought because I don’t
> believe it’s time for the anti-Christ to be revealed yet. But apart from
> that there’s no Biblical reason I can find that would absolutely
> disqualify him. And based on the things we know about the anti-Christ
> there’s a fit in several important places. The anti-Christ will have to
> burst on the scene quickly and powerfully to accomplish so much in the
> little time he has, so maybe he’ll need a head start. If that’s the case,
> maybe Mr. Obama is on his way to becoming the anti-Christ. Let’s find out.
> We know that the anti-Christ will be a descendant of the people who made
> up the Roman Empire in Biblical times (Daniel 9:26), and he’ll arrive on
> the world scene as a peace maker (Daniel 8:25). He won’t be part of the
> world’s powerful elite at the beginning of his career (Daniel 7:8) but
> will rise up among them to eventually surpass them and become the leader
> of the entire world. (Rev. 13:7-8)
> He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior.
> When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the
> Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.
> (Daniel 8:25)
> This means that he’ll base his success on a lie, misrepresenting himself
> and his intentions, but people will want to believe him so badly that they’ll
> disregard his inconsistencies until it’s too late to stop him. Initially
> he’ll seem successful, but just when they’re saying “Peace and safety”,
> destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains to a pregnant
> woman, and they won’t escape (1 Thes. 5:3).
> Deja Vu All Over Again?
> Some of us remember when Jimmy Carter was elected President of the US. The
> country was fed up with Washington and even though he had no national
> leadership experience, we elected him because he was an outsider who
> promised change. He said he would never lie to us, but after the election
> it turned out that he had. He had misrepresented his background and didn’t
> have the ability he needed when it came to governing. He said he was
> Christian and even orchestrated a land for peace deal between Israel and
> Egypt, but he proved to be anti-Israel. Soon we had a crisis in finance
> with interest rates at 20%, an energy crisis with our first gas shortages,
> and an administration that didn’t know how to work with Congress to fix
> things. The Iranians captured our embassy and held our citizens hostage.
> Thankfully he lasted only one term.
> Mr. Obama could easily turn out to be just another Jimmy Carter, and if so
> America will suffer through the next four years and then he’ll be gone.
> But if he continues to be successful in convincing people all around the
> world that he’s on the right track even though everything seems to be
> falling apart, it could be a different story.
> If my calculations are correct, American Christians have just voted in our
> last presidential elections and won’t be here to see if Mr. Obama turns
> out to be the anti-Christ or not. But someone with a lot more experience
> in accurately predicting the future has some interesting insight into the
> next few years. His name is Gerald Celente, CEO of Trends Research
> Institute, and he’s renowned the world over for his accuracy in predicting
> future world and economic events. He accurately predicted the 1987 Stock
> market crash, the Fall of the Soviet Union, the 1997 Asian currency
> collapse, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, and one year before the fact
> predicted what he said would become known as the Panic of 2008, saying
> that giants would tumble to their deaths, which is what we’ve just seen in
> the fall of several of our oldest and biggest financial firms, and with
> the big three auto makers teetering on the brink. (You can check his track
> record for yourself at
> )
> Celente is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax
> rebellions - all within four years, cautioning that putting food on the
> table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.
> According to his recent Fox News interview, called “Predicting Obama’s
> Impact” (posted on YouTube on Nov. 10, 2008), by 2012 America will have
> become an undeveloped nation. There will be a revolution marked by food
> riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and holidays will
> be more about obtaining food than gifts.
> “We’re going to see the end of the retail Christmas….we’re going to see a
> fundamental shift take place….putting food on the table is going to be
> more important that putting gifts under the Christmas tree,” said Celente,
> adding that the situation would be “worse than the great depression”.
> “America’s going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is
> prepared for,” he said, noting that people’s refusal to acknowledge that
> America was even in a recession highlights how big a problem denial is in
> being ready for the true scale of the crisis.
> All this comes from a man with an international reputation for being right
> and whose continued success depends on it. If he’s right now like he has
> been so often in the past, then the next four years will be worse than the
> Carter Administration ever was, rather than the launching platform for a
> coming world leader.
> (By the way, please take note that this is another independent expert
> pointing to the year 2012 as one of cataclysmic significance in bringing
> about the End of the Age.)
> There’s a wild card that I hesitate to throw in here because I don’t even
> want to think about it. But if it’s true it could easily cause the
> problems that Mr. Celente is predicting. For some time now certain people,
> Republican and Democrat alike, have been saying that Mr. Obama isn’t
> legally qualified to be President because he’s not a natural born citizen
> of the US. I won’t go into the details but the point is that he could make
> this all go away by producing a legitimate birth certificate, something he’s
> been unwilling to do. A Supreme Court Justice has apparently given him
> until Dec. 1, 2008 to do so, and if he does then the Electoral College
> vote will be certified and he’ll be the next President. But lawsuits in a
> dozen or so states have been or are being filed to prevent the
> certification until Mr.. Obama proves he’s qualified. If the courts throw
> out the election who knows what could happen.
> What Time Is It?
> As many of you know, I’ve said that all of the End Times prophecies
> including the 2nd Coming could be fulfilled as early as 2018. I base this
> on the Lord’s promise that the generation being born at the time of the
> first End Times signs would still be alive when “all these things have
> happened” (Matt. 24:34) Most scholars view the re-birth of Israel in 1948
> as the first of the end times signs. With an average lifespan being 70
> years, according to Psalm 90:10, everything will have to come to pass by
> 2018. If the Rapture only just precedes the 70th Week of Daniel it could
> come 7 years earlier, in 2011, which is 2 ½ years from now, about half way
> through Mr. Obama’s first term, assuming the election stands.
> So here’s how to tell if he’ll become the anti-Christ or not. If it seems
> like he can do no wrong, if people feel safe and it’s beginning to look
> like there’ll be peace in our time, then there’s a good chance he’s the
> one. But if Gerald Celentew€™s predictions are coming to pass, and the world’s
> in worse shape than ever, then he’s just another Jimmy Carter, an
> inexperienced outsider who had no business running for president in the
> first place, let alone being elected.
> Time will tell, but either way we can look for some difficult days ahead
> for the Church. Because either way we are in the final phase of post
> Christian America and can expect the world around us to become more and
> more anti-Christian. And if the economy continues to self-destruct it will
> be just that much worse.
> But whether Mr. Obama turns out to be the anti-Christ or not is really
> irrelevant to the Church. Our job in the short time we have left is to get
> ready to move to our new home. That means breaking our ties with the old
> one. Anything that can’t be put to kingdom use is excess baggage to us
> now. We should be sending whatever treasure we have up ahead. We should
> stop worrying about our career, our retirement fund, our lifestyle, and
> all those other worldly distractions and put all our resources to work for
> the benefit of our next life. After all it’s the real one. And one way or
> the other, this one is already gone.
> Whether you believe in a pre-trib rapture or not you know my advice is
> sound. After all I’m not just making this up. Everything I ‘ve been saying
> is straight from the Lord’s own mouth. He’s the one who said to quit
> storing up treasure on Earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves
> break in and steal. He’s the one who said to store up treasure in Heaven
> instead. (Matt. 6:19-20) And He’s the one who said not to worry about our
> lives here but seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and he’ll
> provide all our needs. (Matt. 6:31-34) So whether you think we’re leaving
> here soon or not, it’s time to pay attention to what He’s been telling us.
> No matter how much time you think we have, you can almost hear the
> footsteps of the Messiah.

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