So...we all have religion placed all around us, some of us are brought up controlled by the walls that are "meant" to bring peace and love to our souls.
Is religion good or bad? How have you been effected by the prison it creates in your mind? Do you have any constitution on why you should or shouldn't have a religion? And finally does religion give us the morals to live and grow to become "good" people.
Honestly I am agnostic. I almost have no bounds to keep faith in a god all together anymore except for a couple reasons that can not let me have full disbelief in a god. The main one is knowledge that I exist and that I am here at this very moment. Also, I can't grasp what it was like before matter and space even existed itself.
None of us can explain words like; nothing, forever, omnipotent ect. and understand what exactly those words are connected to. How can you grasp the fullness of those words if you can't experience them.
For example, when you think of the word nothing, what color do you see? Is it black or white? If nothing is nothing then isn't it impossible to have color even?
My point on even bringing that up is that the concept of a god is so intense that I can't understand why you would waste your time on small details on such a thing and feel the need to do what you somehow believe is that god's will.
Why if you are so sure of yourselves would you choose the religion you do? This goes for all religions out there. One religion says if you are not that religion that you go to hell; a place of total disconnect from love (god). But the thing is that so many religions say that. What made you decide one day to "just have faith" in your religion. And what gives us the right to feel free to even brainwash children without them having the choice to understand what exactly they believe.
With having my first son now I realize that I can't bring myself to show him anything except being good to be good and not to follow a religion to force that goodness on him. I would like to know what you all think on this subject very much so as this has been a huge influence on who I am today and almost took me to total destruction when my mind was finally able to be free for the first time to think. As I felt that even entertaining the ideas I have will send me to hell all on there own.
I understand we all do our best, but why do we feel the need for mediocrity to our thoughts on one belief, if any, when in reality there is another religion out there preaching the same thing with different names for the characters. Do we have the right to place "faith" over life when you can't prove anything you say?
Your thoughts now...
Why we don't pray ....
15 tahun yang lalu
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