Senin, 05 Januari 2009


“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51.10

It occurs to me as we approach the new year…2009 - WOW!!!…that we/I should spend a moment reflecting on what we want to take into the new year with us.

The “clean heart” would be a heart free of resentments and grudges. In reflecting I think about the people/institutions that I am holding resentments or grudges against.

* Do I really remember the details behind it or have I just transferred the ill feeling to the person/institution so that all I need do is see or think about them to recall the feeling - not the details, just the feeling.
* Is the ill feeling really justified, or a product of the anger or hurt of the moment. Have I analyzed “my” part in it?
* Most important, “how does the resent/grudge serve me?” When I think of the person/institution, does the anger/hurt elevate my state of mind? Does it add to my quality of life? What would I lose by letting go of it?

As for the “right spirit”… I think it would be “forgiveness”, compassion, acceptance.

* My compassion sometimes gets bottled up by envy or…a “poor me” attitude. Can I remember that there is always someone who envies me? That no matter how bad off I think I am, there is always someone worse off. Conversely, when I am at the top and doing well…can I remember to “Pay it Forward”, reach out my hand to help another move up, reach their potential and “shine?”
* Acceptance reminds me that I really have no right to have expectations of others. Just as I want people to accept me as I am, I need to be willing to accept others. To accept their failures and short-comings as well as celebrate their accomplishments. To encourage and pray for and with them.
* Finally, there is forgiveness. I know that in some cases forgiveness is hard to grant, especially when we have been wronged - really wronged. But forgiveness is an “action” word - a conscious act of will. So no matter how righteous is my complaint, I must make a conscious decision to forgive.
* Though it is hard…I have found that to pray for the person I need to forgive every day/night for two weeks softens my heart so that I can feel the matchless forgiveness of my Savior, Jesus Christ, realizing all that He has forgiven me and “continues” to forgive me daily. Sometimes - I have to pray for four weeks or more, until I can say in my heart - I forgive you.

My best wishes and prayers to you and yours for a safe, happy and prosperous 2009.

In Christ’s Service,

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